Sunday 31 October 2021

How to get financial assistance for the Covid affected families?

Process for getting the assistance, Documents required for assistance, How to apply for ex gratia payment by next of kin of deceased?


    How to get financial assistance for the Covid affected families?

    Covid has left the big scare in the mind of the Indian family. Rehabilitation of the affected families is now a big worry of policymakers. Every effort is being made to rehabilitate the covid affected families. To give payment of Rs 50000 (fifty thousand) to the next of the kin of the deceased is also a step in that direction.  Ex Gratia payment to covid affected families scheme  In this scheme, if a person`s death has happened due to Covid then Rs 50000(fifty thousand) will be given to the next of the kin of the deceased person. This scheme is also applicable for those who are involved in the relief operation or in the preparation activities.  Duration of the scheme  From the first case reported in the country till di notification of covid as disaster or till further order, whichever is earlier.  Qualification criteria  The Cause of death should be from covid only. This will be the as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Home Affairs  Disbursement of ex gratia assistance  Disbursement of the fund to the next of the kin of the deceased will be done through the district disaster management authority (DDMA)/District administration. State disaster authority will issue the form in this regard and then the concerned family will fill the form and also attaché the supporting document including the death certificate that certifies the cause of death as covid 19.DDMA will make the process of claim from applying to disbursement of the assistance transparent, simple, and people-friendly. All claims should be settled within 30 days of submission. Payment should be transferred through aadhar based direct benefit transfer procedure.  Grievances redressal  In case of any grievances in respect of certification of the death as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Home Affairs and ICMR then the committee at the district level will look into the complaint. That committee will consist of an additional district collector, Chief medical officer of Health, Additional CMOH/Principal or HOD medicine of a medical college (if medical college is there in the district), and a subject expert. This committee will propose necessary alternatives or remedial measures. This committee will verify all the facts and if required it will issue an amended official document of Covid 19 death. If the decision is not in the favor of the claimant then the committee will document the reason.  Definition of death due to Covid 19  •	Covid case which has been diagnosed through RT PCR/Molecular Tests/RAT will be called covid cases for this purpose. •	If treating doctor/hospital has been clinically determined through investigations in an in-hospital facility then also it will be called Covid case •	If the death has happened due to poisoning, suicide, homicide, accident, etc and covid 19 is the accompanying condition then this kind of death will not be considered as Covid death.  Process for getting the assistance.  •	The next of kin will submit the application to the district collector for issuance of the appropriate official document for Covid -19 death. •	After verifying all the facts district-level committee will issue the document related to the Covid 19 death. The Document will be issued as per the given guideline. This document will also be communicated to chief registrars of states/UTs and the registrar of birth and death who issued the death certificate. •	The application for the issue of the document related to covid 19 death or related to grievances should be disposed of within 30 days of submission.  Documents required for ex gratia assistance  •	The certified copy of the identification proof of the deceased •	The certified copy of the identification proof of the claimant •	The certified copy of the proof of the relationship between the deceased and the claimant. •	Covid 19 positive report original and certified copy •	In case of death has happened in the hospital then the certified copy of the discharge summary. •	Original death certificate •	Legal hair of deceased certificate.   How to apply for ex gratia payment by next of kin of deceased?  •	Please visit your district covid 19 death ascertaining Committee (CDAC). This committee is supposed to be formed as per the instruction of the Government of India dated 03.09.2021 •	Apply to the committee with all the relevant documents ( list of the document has been explained above) •	Take the receiving of the application in case you are applying offline. •	Once your application is submitted it will be disbursed within 30 days of submission.

    Covid has left the big scare in the mind of the Indian family. Rehabilitation of the affected families is now a big worry of policymakers. Every effort is being made to rehabilitate the covid affected families. To give payment of Rs 50000 (fifty thousand) to the next of the kin of the deceased is also a step in that direction.


    Ex Gratia payment to covid affected families scheme


    In this scheme, if a person`s death has happened due to Covid then Rs 50000(fifty thousand) will be given to the next of the kin of the deceased person. This scheme is also applicable for those who are involved in the relief operation or in the preparation activities.


    Duration of the scheme


    From the first case reported in the country till the notification of covid as disaster or till further order, whichever is earlier.


    Qualification criteria


    The Cause of death should be from covid only. This will be the as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Home


    Disbursement of ex gratia assistance


    Disbursement of the fund to the next of the kin of the deceased will be done through the district disaster management authority (DDMA)/District administration. State disaster authority will issue the form in this regard and then the concerned family will fill the form and also attaché the supporting document including the death certificate that certifies the cause of death as covid 19.DDMA will make the process of claim from applying to disbursement of the assistance transparent, simple, and people-friendly. All claims should be settled within 30 days of submission. Payment should be transferred through aadhar based direct benefit transfer procedure.


    Grievances redressal


    In case of any grievances in respect of certification of the death as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Home Affairs and ICMR then the committee at the district level will look into the complaint.

    That committee will consist of an additional district collector, Chief medical officer of Health, Additional CMOH/Principal or HOD medicine of a medical college (if medical college is there in the district), and a subject expert. This committee will propose necessary alternatives or remedial measures. This committee will verify all the facts and if required it will issue an amended official document of Covid 19 death. If the decision is not in the favor of the claimant then the committee will document the reason.


    Definition of death due to Covid 19


    • Covid case which has been diagnosed through RT PCR/Molecular Tests/RAT will be called covid cases for this purpose.
    • If treating doctor/hospital has been clinically determined through investigations in an in-hospital facility then also it will be called Covid case
    • If the death has happened due to poisoning, suicide, homicide, accident, etc and covid 19 is the accompanying condition then this kind of death will not be considered as Covid death.


    Process for getting the assistance.


    • The next of kin will submit the application to the district collector for issuance of the appropriate official document for Covid -19 death.
    • After verifying all the facts district-level committee will issue the document related to the Covid 19 death. The Document will be issued as per the given guideline. This document will also be communicated to chief registrars of states/UTs and the registrar of birth and death who issued the death certificate.
    • The application for the issue of the document related to covid 19 death or related to grievances should be disposed of within 30 days of submission.


    Documents required for ex gratia assistance


    • The certified copy of the identification proof of the deceased
    • The certified copy of the identification proof of the claimant
    • The certified copy of the proof of the relationship between the deceased and the claimant.
    • Covid 19 positive report original and certified copy
    • In case of death has happened in the hospital then the certified copy of the discharge summary.
    • Original death certificate
    • Legal hair of deceased certificate.


    How to apply for ex gratia payment by next of kin of deceased?


    • Please visit your district covid 19 death ascertaining Committee (CDAC). This committee is supposed to be formed as per the instruction of the Government of India dated 03.09.2021
    • Apply to the committee with all the relevant documents ( list of the document has been explained above)
    • Take the receiving of the application in case you are applying offline.
    • Once your application is submitted it will be disbursed within 30 days of submission.

    If you are interested in getting more information on this then you may join our WhatsApp group

    Ashutosh Kumar


    In the clutter of the problems , a common man is trying to make an impact.


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