Saturday 12 June 2021

The Messengers of God - Covid Volunteers


The storm of Covid was desperate to take the entire human race in its arm. There was mourning of death all around. The government system was getting insufficient to save lives. Death was raging everywhere. Crematoriums were overwhelmed with the dead bodies. Humanity was beginning to be ashamed. Hospitals were full. Medicines and oxygen were not available. In some families whole lives were at stake. Efforts were replaced by prayers. In such tiring times, there was a need of messengers of god. The one who can snatch away the life from the mouth of death .Today in the series of Article, I am going to discuss about these messengers of god. They were working 24X7.They were challenging their limitation every moment. They were creating miracles. I am talking about the individual volunteers, volunteer organizations who were working day in day out and trying to leave their never ending foot print on humanity.  Who were they? They were ordinary people like you and me. You could find them anywhere. You could see them in your Mohalla, society, college, work place .Only thing which make them different or extra ordinary  is when situation arrived they behaved differently. They didn’t curse the situation but fought back.  They didn’t waste their time to criticize the govt but created the alternative. They didn’t see the cast, religion but only saw the humanity. These torch bearers of humanity are endless. I have searched some of these diamonds and putting their side of story.     The Messengers of God- Padma Foundation  Padma Foundation team       Their main area of operation is in Jabalpur in MP and in Bihar. They are the group of young enthusiastic passionate individuals who are eager to help people. They are doing a lot of social work. But today I will talk about their work related to Covid. When lockdown imposed during the first wave there were lot of hardship among the migrant workers. TV cameras were showing how they were fleeing their work place. How they were restless and fighting for survival. At that difficult time padma team came in the picture in Jabalpur. After seeing the plight of the workers, padma team got into action. They formed core team. Azad Patel, Mohit Agarwal, C.K.Thakur, Yogesh Srivastva, Nilesh Mishra, Mukesh Sahi and Mukesh Shraff were part of the core team.They started providing all kind of logistics support to the migrants. They distributed food, lassi to the labrours. Once migrants issue subsided then they focused on Covid frontline workers. They started providing refreshment to frontline workers. During the second wave, story of Jabalpur was not different from the other cities. Number of patient was increasing day by day. The most difficult problem in the Jabalpur was unavailability of Oxygen. Oxygen was not available in the hospital so this team approached district admin and requested to allow them to procure and store oxygen cylinders. After informing the authorities they started procuring and distributing oxygen cylinders to the patients. As Covid cases picked up, requirement of blood and plasma felt. So this team organized mass blood donation camps in Jabalpur in MP and Muzaffarpur in Bihar. When cases were increasing they started working proactively in the area. They started door to door campaign for giving the msg of social distancing. They distributed mask, sanitizer and soaps in villages. To boost the immune system they distributed the ayurvedic kadha in villages. During the pandemic they felt that people in rural areas hesitant of taking the vaccine. So with the help of district authorities they adopted few centers and mobilize people for vaccination. This drive is still going on and padma team is ably managing the work.    The Messengers of God- Ketan Dand and Minal       Messengers of God- Ketan Dand and Minal Popat  Ketan Dand is a Corporate Law Consultant and Insolvency Professional with over 2 decades of experience from Mumbai. He is now setting up a platform for channelizing relief to Covid-affected families.  Minal Popat is a house wife and taking good interest in Social work.   Imagine the scenario, a city is spread in 100 km area and in the pandemic situation very limited health resource is available. A patient who needs to avail the facility has every min important. He doesn’t know where the hospital bed is available. Where is the availability of oxygen or the medicine? It may sound simple but this is not so simple. Just put yourself in the shoes of the patient`s and think, helpline numbers were not responding. There was so much stress on health infrastructure that almost nothing was available. In that scenario few volunteers tried to make a system where verified information should be available to the needy at the earliest. In this back ground story of Ketan and Minal starts. When pandemic was on peak. Ketan thought to contribute as a volunteer. He added Minal in the group. They formed many WhatsApp groups. They started collecting the data from social media. Compiled the data and started providing to the needy in west and north India. This was the initial stage of the work. Problem started when they started getting wrong data from social media. Now they started verifying the data. Once they verify at their level then they further provided to the needy one. Now another problem started. Whenever verified data they post, volunteers from different corner started calling those numbers for re verifying.  Due to too many calls those resources switch off their phones. So now the same data which were active, verified became non responsive or unavailable due to over enthusiasm of the volunteers. So they had to change the strategy now. Instead of calling the source for verification they started calling to the individuals who have posted the data and started confirming the source .Once source got confirmed they directly connected to the needy one. In this process lot of time and call got saved and resource judiciously got used. In the whole exercise they also took help of Seva International and Human kind global. Now Ketan is trying to establish rehabilitation program for the Covid affected families.  My best wished to today`s messengers of  god. Please keep inspiring us. I hope your good work will keep making the statement louder and louder.   To BE CONTINUED……………………

The storm of Covid was desperate to take the entire human race in its arm. There was mourning of death all around. The government system was getting insufficient to save lives. Death was raging everywhere. Crematoriums were overwhelmed with the dead bodies. Humanity was beginning to be ashamed. Hospitals were full. Medicines and oxygen were not available. In some families whole lives were at stake. Efforts were replaced by prayers. In such tiring times, there was a need of messengers of god. The one who can snatch away the life from the mouth of death .Today in the series of Article, I am going to discuss about these messengers of god. They were working 24X7.They were challenging their limitation every moment. They were creating miracles. I am talking about the individual volunteers, volunteer organizations who were working day in day out and trying to leave their never ending foot print on humanity.

Who were they? They were ordinary people like you and me. You could find them anywhere. You could see them in your Mohalla, society, college, work place .Only thing which make them different or extra ordinary  is when situation arrived they behaved differently. They didn’t curse the situation but fought back.  They didn’t waste their time to criticize the govt but created the alternative. They didn’t see the cast, religion but only saw the humanity. These torch bearers of humanity are endless. I have searched some of these diamonds and putting their side of story. 

The Messengers of God- Padma Foundation

Padma Foundation team

Their main area of operation is in Jabalpur in MP and in Bihar. They are the group of young enthusiastic passionate individuals who are eager to help people. They are doing a lot of social work. But today I will talk about their work related to Covid. When lockdown imposed during the first wave there were lot of hardship among the migrant workers. TV cameras were showing how they were fleeing their work place. How they were restless and fighting for survival. At that difficult time padma team came in the picture in Jabalpur. After seeing the plight of the workers, padma team got into action. They formed core team. Azad Patel, Mohit Agarwal, C.K.Thakur, Yogesh Srivastva, Nilesh Mishra, Mukesh Sahi and Mukesh Shraff were part of the core team.They started providing all kind of logistics support to the migrants. They distributed food, lassi to the labrours. Once migrants issue subsided then they focused on Covid frontline workers. They started providing refreshment to frontline workers. During the second wave, story of Jabalpur was not different from the other cities. Number of patient was increasing day by day. The most difficult problem in the Jabalpur was unavailability of Oxygen. Oxygen was not available in the hospital so this team approached district admin and requested to allow them to procure and store oxygen cylinders. After informing the authorities they started procuring and distributing oxygen cylinders to the patients. As Covid cases picked up, requirement of blood and plasma felt. So this team organized mass blood donation camps in Jabalpur in MP and Muzaffarpur in Bihar. When cases were increasing they started working proactively in the area. They started door to door campaign for giving the msg of social distancing. They distributed mask, sanitizer and soaps in villages. To boost the immune system they distributed the ayurvedic kadha in villages. During the pandemic they felt that people in rural areas hesitant of taking the vaccine. So with the help of district authorities they adopted few centers and mobilize people for vaccination. This drive is still going on and padma team is ably managing the work.

The Messengers of God- Ketan Dand and Minal

Messengers of God- Ketan Dand and Minal Popat

Ketan Dand is a Corporate Law Consultant and Insolvency Professional with over 2 decades of experience from Mumbai. He is now setting up a platform for channelizing relief to Covid-affected families.

Minal Popat is a house wife and taking good interest in Social work. 

Imagine the scenario, a city is spread in 100 km area and in the pandemic situation very limited health resource is available. A patient who needs to avail the facility has every min important. He doesn’t know where the hospital bed is available. Where is the availability of oxygen or the medicine? It may sound simple but this is not so simple. Just put yourself in the shoes of the patient`s and think, helpline numbers were not responding. There was so much stress on health infrastructure that almost nothing was available. In that scenario few volunteers tried to make a system where verified information should be available to the needy at the earliest. In this back ground story of Ketan and Minal starts. When pandemic was on peak. Ketan thought to contribute as a volunteer. He added Minal in the group. They formed many WhatsApp groups. They started collecting the data from social media. Compiled the data and started providing to the needy in west and north India. This was the initial stage of the work. Problem started when they started getting wrong data from social media. Now they started verifying the data. Once they verify at their level then they further provided to the needy one. Now another problem started. Whenever verified data they post, volunteers from different corner started calling those numbers for re verifying.  Due to too many calls those resources switch off their phones. So now the same data which were active, verified became non responsive or unavailable due to over enthusiasm of the volunteers. So they had to change the strategy now. Instead of calling the source for verification they started calling to the individuals who have posted the data and started confirming the source .Once source got confirmed they directly connected to the needy one. In this process lot of time and call got saved and resource judiciously got used. In the whole exercise they also took help of Seva International and Human kind global. Now Ketan is trying to establish rehabilitation program for the Covid affected families.

My best wished to today`s messengers of  god. Please keep inspiring us. I hope your good work will keep making the statement louder and louder.


If you are interested in getting more information on this then you may join our WhatsApp group

Ashutosh Kumar


In the clutter of the problems , a common man is trying to make an impact.


  1. Lovely! They give hope to millions - volunteering is not for political or social mileage, not for a return! Having worked with a few of those mentioned here including Minal Popat, I can say with conviction that these shall remain our happy memories from these pandemic times. So many unknown unconnected people benefitted in their darkest hour when there was no state machinery, no support- these faceless angels helped life move on. Thank you for highlighting their work.

    1. Well Said Sanju Sachchit👍👍

    2. Thank you very much padma foundation jabalpur

  2. Yes Ketan Dand is my batch mate from Podar College Mumbai.
    He has done some extraordinary work by helping and providing resources to people in need during these challenging times.
    Really proud of you buddy.
    Minal popat also being a house wife has put 100% dedicated and effort in helping and supporting people.
    God bless us all .
    Take care.
    Tejjraj Bafna

  3. I recently come in contact with Mr ketan Dand for getting support for family who recently lost their only earning member .Ketan took that case in his hand and insure family for required support.
    I am really thankful for his help and initiative.People like Ketan is good example of humanity existance on earth.
    Thank you ketan , god bless u and ur family.

  4. Padma foundation is the one of most social service provider, all team members r central government employees n advocate, they wants to give 100% of own capecity for socail activities.

  5. Thanks to Padma Foundation Team for their helpful Support to needy in this Penadamic time. I am knowing about of your many social works and your team is really messenger of God. continuous Blood donation and Oxygen supply by your team is one of the great works done recently. I’m so appreciative of your unwavering commitment to serve on the frontlines.

    1. Thanks MKV for your kind words. Agree with you. Padma team truly deserve the compliment.

  6. क्या क्या न किया ये वतन तेरे प्यार में,
    पदमा फाउंडेशन जिसका पूरा नाम परोपकारिता, देशभक्ति, मातृभूमि है।
    दुनिया जब कोरोना से पीड़ित थी हम डर रहे थे कि कही हमारा देश न घिर जाए, पहले कोविड में हम मजदूरों की दयनीय स्थिति को देख सिहर गए, फिर आपस मे जुड़ कर खाना, चाय छाछ बट बाए क्योंकि सारा काम सिर्फ सरकार नही कर सकती, उसको भी मदद चाहिए, फिर हम बिभिन केंद्रीय सरकारी कर्मचारियों, वकीलों और नौजवानों का ग्रुप मिलकर देश सेवा में लग गए, लोग ऑक्सिजन के लिए तड़पते तो हम सब मिलकर ऑक्सिजन सिलेंडर खरीदकर रीफिल कर उनको निशुल्क देते, ब्लड की कमी को पूरा करने के लिए ब्लड डोनेशन कैम्प लगवाते जिससे ब्लड बैंक का भी काम चलता रहे तो देश मे वैक्सीनेशन शुरू हुआ तो एक शिविर लगा कर ज्यादा से ज्यादा वैक्सीनेशन का काम शुरू किए जिससे मेरा देश जल्द से जल्द इस आपदा से बाहर आये,
    इसके लिए मेरे सभी EPFO,बैंक, रेलवे, इंकॉमेटैक्स, powergrid, NTPC के साथी कर्मचारी जो विभिन्न जगहों पर पदस्थ है का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद
    देशभक्ति का जज्बा तो 135 करोड़ के पास है,फिर कोरोना क्या मेरा देश को आगे बढ़ने से रोकेगा,
    हम पदमा फाउंडेशन की टीम हर जगह खड़े मिलेंगे अपने देश के लिए क्योंकि ये देश की रक्षा करने का काम सिर्फ उन बेटों के नही है जो हर क्षण बॉर्डर पर खड़े हो अपनी जान देते है,हम भी उन बेटों के साथ देश के अंदर देश सेवा में लगे रहेंगे,
    ए हिन्द तेरा ऋण तो कभी नही चुका पाऊंगा, पर बहुत छोटी सी कोशिश है की तू हमेशा जय रहे।

    ए देश मेरे जीता रहे तू,
    जय हिंद, जय जय हिंद,

  7. छवि कुमार ठाकुरजी इतनी अच्छी एवं उत्साहवर्धक बातों के लिए आपको बहुत -बहुत धन्यवाद् |

  8. इस महामारी के समय मे पदमा पॉउंडेशन के द्वारा किये सहयोग और इनके हर एक सदस्य के द्वारा किये गये हर सहायता अति सराहनीय है, ऐसी घोर संकट मे पदमा फाउंडेशन किसी देव दूत से कम नहीं.... धन्यवाद सभी सदस्यों का, आप हैं तो मानवता है 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  9. Amit kumar Sinhaji thanks a lot for your kind words.

  10. Very appreciable work. Especially for a housewife to take time out for social work is commendable. Well done all.

  11. Karan Singhania13 June 2021 at 09:34

    Inspiring work. Especially by Minal.

  12. Pooja Chippalkati13 June 2021 at 10:16

    Minal's work seems inspiring. Shows what a woman can do.

    1. Pooja Chippalkati thanks a lot for encouragement.

  13. Siddharth Moolbidri13 June 2021 at 10:37

    Padma founsation good work. Keep it ip.

    1. Siddharth Moolbidri thanks a lot for your kind words.

  14. Salute the courage and energy of corona warriors of PADMA foundation specially thanks to Mr. C K THAKUR SIR.
    Feels like God has taken avatar in form of corona warriors(PADMA FOUNDATION). Thanks for your great service to the nation in this corona pandemic period.

    Thanks to all.

    1. Prince Sinha thanks a lot for your kind words.

  15. Radha Srinivasan13 June 2021 at 21:11

    Minal has helped me and my family a lot during the crisis.

  16. Radha Srinivasan thanks for appreciating.

  17. Good job and padma foundation & your team is working & serving very well.Warm wishes to you & your team.

  18. Having witnessed the work done by Padma foundation first hand, with a dear friend of my mine, Chavi Thakur, being one of the torch bearers and a dedicated human being, i can surely say this article covers each and every aspect of the holistic efforts given the members of the organization to make sure that they can aid as many fellow citizens as they can and in turn saved uncountable number of lives. As this article says, they didn't just sit there criticizing the system, but rather set a benchmark that it is us who need to make an effort if we want to bring about a change, and rest will follow. The team showed an exemplary and organized method of tackling the pandemic, something from which each of us can learn.

    1. Sanjay Vishwakarma thanks a lot for appreciating the hard work of Padma Foundation.

  19. I wish dat we can do more and more work for our country thankuuu so much C.k thakur bhaiya for giving us dis opportunity fr being a part for sumthng Gud...Padma Foundation

  20. As I know one member of your foundation who is yash raj. He is a great social activist. His works are great for society. He works hard with all his efforts for development of his society as well as for our country.

    1. Thanks Aman Raj for complimenting Team Padma Foundation.

  21. Great initiative team Padma foundation towards pandemic nd welfare of society of my closer yash raj. Good to be a part of it ☺️

    1. Mukund Dev Thanks a lot for appreciating the good work of team Padma.

  22. I appreciate every member of Padma foundation who came together for helping people during the pandemic. Good job 🙏

  23. Mr. Ketan has been no less than a blessing in disguise. He has been helping families who lost their breadwinners in the pandemic attain financial assistance. It is remarkable that people like him still exist in this world. More power to him!

  24. Sonia Dora thanks for mentioning. We need to bring this kind of positive story in public domain.
